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#Linux : list all packages installed

Sometimes we want to quickly check if we have a required package installed, for example a developer library we need to compile our code.

If you are running a Debian based Linux system such as Ubuntu, you have a couple of alternatives. Using apt, let’s say we are looking for python3-dev since it is required to debug python code through gdb:

#sudo apt list --installed | grep python3-dev

However, you will notice apt is pretty slow and we will be greeted by the warning WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.. Moreover, the output is not so nice if we want to parse it in a scripted way. A faster alternative is provided by dpkg:

#sudo dpkg -l | grep python3-dev

In RedHat and RedHat-like Linuxes such as Fedora and CentOS we can use either rpm:

#sudo rpm -qa | grep python3-dev

or yum:

#sudo yum list installed | grep python3-dev

#MacOsX : Terminal Cheat Sheet

If you are a *nix geek like me you can’t but love the command prompt.
One of the best tool to improve the plain old terminal is an utility called tmux. You can install through Homebrew.
Now, there are many commands to remember to play nicely with the terminal, and sometimes a little remind might be useful, that’s why cheat sheets exist.
Here is mine, enjoy.

#UNIX : Send Messages to Logged Users

If you are used to play with multi users servers and you feel bored you can start a random chat with a logged user sending him a message (ok, actually it can be much more useful 😛 ) with the following command:

write username tty

where username and tty can be found using who command.
Then you can write the message and end it pressing Ctrl+D.

#VMware Fusion: Script to Easily Install VMware Tools [OUTDATED]

If you run a linux guest VM, every time you update the kernel you need to reinstall VMwareTools for optimal performances.
After selecting Virtual Machine > Install VMware Tools you need to untar the archive and then run a script that ask you many question, etc.
This can be very tedious, so this is a little script that minimize typing:

tar xzf /media/VMware\ Tools/VMwareTools-*.tar.gz -C /tmp
umount /media/VMware\ Tools
sudo /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/ -d
mkdir -pv ~/Desktop/VMwareShared
rm -v ~/Desktop/VMwareShared/*
if [ -d /mnt/hgfs ]
ln -sv /mnt/hgfs/* ~/Desktop/VMwareShared/

VMware now recommends to use the open-vm-tools-desktop provided by the Linux distribution of your choice.

NOTE: -d option implies default answers to install script (most of the time they are ok)
NOTE2: the script create a directory on Desktop with all directories shared by the host system with the VM
NOTE3: this script has been tested only on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
NOTE4: this script install native VMware Tools, if you want you can install open tools instead, but you can’t install both at the same time!

#CryptDB : HOWTO Compile on Ubuntu Linux [UPDATE 2]

First, what is CryptDB.
A SHORT PRESENTATION, very useful to understand how it works.

Second, reference system: Ubuntu Linux LTS 12.04.x 32bit 64bit (see this comment).

Third, [NEW] installation:

sudo apt-get udate
sudo apt-get install git ruby
git clone -b public git://
cd cryptdb
sudo ./scripts/install.rb .

Done. It’s that simple now 😎
If it fails to compile, see THIS comment.

If you still do not succeed see THIS comment.

With recent version of Ubuntu (14.04 and 16.04) you might need to downgrade Bison, see THIS comment.

[OLD] installation:

  • install needed packages:
    sudo apt-get install automake bison bzr cmake flex g++ git gtk-doc-tools libaio-dev libbsd-dev libevent-dev libglib2.0-dev libgmp-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libmysqlclient-dev libncurses5-dev libntl-dev libssl-dev
  • create a directory, then download software to compile:
    mkdir $HOME/cryptdb-inst
    cd $HOME/cryptdb-inst
    git clone -b public git://
    bzr branch lp:mysql-proxy
  • compile mysql-proxy:
    cd mysql-proxy
    sh ./
    ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --with-lua=lua5.1
    sudo make install
  • build CryptDB on MySQL:
    cd $HOME/cryptdb-inst
    tar xzf mysql-5.5.14.tar.gz
    cp -R cryptdb/parser/mysql_mods/* mysql-5.5.14/
    rm mysql-5.5.14/sql/sql_yacc.{cc,h}
    cd mysql-5.5.14
    mkdir build
    cd build
    sudo make install
    cd /usr/local/mysql
    sudo chown -R mysql .
    sudo cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf
    sudo scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr/local/mysql/
    sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --lc-messages-dir="/usr/local/mysql/share/english/"
    /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'letmein'
  • Build CryptDB:
    cd $HOME/cryptdb-inst/cryptdb
    cp conf/ conf/
    sed -i'' -e"1s%/home/nickolai/build%$HOME/cryptdb-inst%" conf/
    sudo make install
  • now, it’s time to read cryptdb/doc/README, enjoy! 😉

NOTE1: you should create a user mysql to run DBMS for security reasons:
sudo groupadd mysql
sudo useradd -r -g mysql mysql

NOTE2: be very careful on each step and you wont fail.

#VMware Fusion : Fix Ubuntu Linux “Host SMBus controller not enabled!” [UPDATED]

Ubuntu guest instances in VMware sometimes come up with the boot error message:

piix4_smbus 0000:00:007.3: Host SMBus controller not enabled!

This error is being caused because VMware doesn’t actually provide that level interface for CPU access, but Ubuntu try to load the kernel module anyway.

How to fix it:

  • sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
  • add the line:
    blacklist i2c-piix4
  • reboot

NOTE: for older versions use blacklist i2c_piix4 instead.
NOTE: it works both in VMWare Fusion 5 and 6, and Ubuntu LTS 12.04 and 14.04